

The quality of the data collection instruments determines the quality of the results. Therefore, it is important for postgraduate students (Masters and PhD in particular) to get the skills required to develop a good questionnaire. This course aims to provide guidelines for developing a sound questionnaire which is aligned with the research objectives. The course is available online and in house; it focuses on the purpose of a questionnaire as well as the steps involved in designing a sound questionnaire. This is a one-day training course.


There is no specific requirements for this course.

Course Outline

  • How to develop a well-constructed consent form
  • Understand the purpose of a questionnaire
  • Ten (10) steps to develop a sound questionnaire
  • How to build a construct
  • How to formulate sound items
  • How to select variables which are informed by the research questions
  • The questionnaire and the pilot phase
  • Practical: two (2) case studies

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